GIMP vs Adobe Photoshop - A Comparison of Photo Editing Software

March 01, 2021


With the increasing dependence on technology and digital media, photo editing software has become an essential tool for photographers, graphic designers, and artists alike. When it comes to photo editing software, Adobe Photoshop has been the go-to tool for a long time. However, with the rise of open-source software, GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) has emerged as an interesting alternative to Photoshop, with its own unique features and functionality worth comparing.


Both Adobe Photoshop and GIMP share many features, such as support for various file formats, layers, color correction, and image retouching, but there are some features that differ:

User Interface and Navigation

GIMP's UI and navigation system vary from that of Adobe Photoshop's. GIMP’s interface is customizable, with a plethora of menus and tools for advanced users, while Adobe Photoshop's interface is standardized, aiming for a consistent user experience.

Filters & Effects

Photoshop comes with a large library of filters and effects, including third-party plugins, to produce high-quality images. While GIMP features a smaller set of built-in filters and effect tools, that can also be expanded with third-party plugins.

Vector Support

Adobe Photoshop has limited support for vector graphics, while GIMP, which began as a project for creating an open-source alternative to Adobe Illustrator, has excellent vector support.


One key difference to consider between these two photo editing software is the pricing, GIMP comes free of charge, as an open-source software. Adobe Photoshop, on the other hand, requires a paid subscription to use its latest version, which can be costly in the long run.


Below is a comparison between Adobe Photoshop and GIMP across various features:

Features Adobe Photoshop GIMP
User Interface and Navigation 8/10 7/10
Filters & Effects 10/10 7/10
Layers Support 10/10 9/10
Text Design 9/10 7/10
Vector Support 3/10 10/10
Image Retouching 9/10 8/10
Built-in Features 8/10 6/10
Third-Party Plugin Support 9/10 8/10
Pricing Paid Free

While each of these programs has its advantages and disadvantages, it's hard to choose a clear winner. In terms of versatility, Adobe Photoshop comes out on top with its extensive set of features, filters and effects, although GIMP stills holds its own with its impressive vector support and being free to use.


In conclusion, whether you're a beginner or an experienced photo editor, both Photoshop and GIMP offer great features to improve your workflow, creating high-quality images. Ultimately, the choice between GIMP and Adobe Photoshop comes down to your needs, preferences, and budget. If you're looking for a feature-rich photo-editing tool, Adobe Photoshop might be the right choice for you, while GIMP can be an excellent option for cost-conscious users and vector designing.


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